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Bringing Food to the Frontlines

By January 10, 2024February 9th, 2024No Comments

In the midst of ongoing warfare, your generosity is transforming Friday evening for IDF soldiers in Sderot from routine to extraordinary, one hot meal at a time. Our heart is to provide help and hope to Israelis in need, and your generosity is making a tangible difference in the lives of these brave soldiers on the frontlines.

Dinner for Heroes
This past Friday, over 200 IDF soldiers experienced the love and care you’ve made possible through your loving donations. Stewart and Eti, our dedicated partners from Hope for Sderot, prepared a hot, home-cooked Sabbath meal for these heroes on the frontlines.

As you can see by the smiles on their faces, it’s been a while since many of these brave men and women had a home cooked meal. This simple act of providing a hot Sabbath meal lifts the spirits of these weary warriors. And your generosity makes this possible!

A Committed Heart
Stewart’s and Eti’s faithfulness in serving their community, even in the face of the ongoing violence, is inspiring. I am humbled by their dedication and bravery to remain in Sderot, despite Hamas continually launching rockets towards their city.

Your continued support enables us to stand with Stewart and Eti as they bring comfort and sustenance to the IDF soldiers. The impact of your generosity is immeasurable, providing not only physical nourishment but also a sense of community and hope.

Thank You
Thank you for being a vital part of this mission. Your commitment to blessing Israel and the Jewish people is remarkable! If you would like to continue supporting our efforts in Sderot and make a tangible difference, please consider donating today. Your generosity ensures that we can continue standing with these brave men and women as they protect Israel. Together, we can create a safer and more unified country. Thank you for your support!”

