Today, I’m moved to share Eliana’s story and how your compassion has made a difference in her life. Your dedicated support throughout this season is amazing. Thank you!
Eliana’s Story
Eliana is an elderly woman suffering from chronic back pain that makes everyday tasks difficult. Her back pain began with an injury years ago, yet despite her various struggles she’s finding hope through your support.
When our partners visited Eliana, she had no food. But thanks to you, she received a delivery of fresh groceries. This act of love brought Eliana an immense sense of thankfulness.
Eliana shared, “I don’t have the words to say how grateful I am for your kindness.”
When delivering the groceries, we also discovered Eliana had other urgent needs; toiletries and soap. We committed to Eliana that we’d do our best to provide her these essentials right away. On our next trip to Ashkelon, Eliana had everything she needed.
Caring for Orphans and Widows
Your generosity reflects a heart of true faith. James 1:26-27 reminds us this important truth: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
You are extending a hand to those in need and sharing God’s love.
Continue to Make a Difference
With your support, you can help provide Eliana and others in similar situations with life-changing resources. Together, we can continue to make a lasting difference for underserved families in Israel during these challenging times. Your contribution today will provide essential aid and hope.
Thank you!
Eliana, Rachel, and so many others in Israel are not just names on a list. They are real people, suffering hardships we cannot imagine. Please continue to open your heart to them today. Your compassion can save a life.
Thank you for your faithful support. Lives are being changed because of you!